Well folks it’s happened again – the planing board votes for something, a majority of people take time out of their schedules to show up to the meeting (monday june 11 @ 7pm), a petition in support of the chicken raising zoning change with 300+ signatures is provided and our elected commissioners vote it down!!!!!!!! For the record at least Bob Woodard gave reasons (albeit opinionated and wrong at least he said something) but Mike Hogan gave no reasons at all and Buske wasn’t even there (Though word is he cast his no vote ahead of time). Kudos to the Mayor and C. Rheubottom for standing up for common sense and representing the majority instead of the vocal minority who don’t even bother to show up to anything let alone serve this community. So now Kitty Hawk, Nags Head and Manteo all stand light years ahead of us once again. Congrats – KDH