The Twins Benifit, What A Day!!!

Charity event Twins Benefit
Twins Benefit

The Twins benefit was a blast and we raised $6,546 so far with donations still coming in AND the Communion gig Monday the 18th!!! Good fun was had by all with the twins getting in the dunk tank, Ricky Vaughan playing great tunes and a silent auction that expanded while it went on!  The boys express their thanks to this wonderful community we live in and it rejuvinated my faith in this wierd and wild strip of sand we call home. A big shout of thanks goes out to all who made it a succes – in no order:

Kevin Cherry – Mama Kwan’s & mexi’s, WRV, Bob Oakes & Village Realty, Faith McCormick, Wendy Richardson, Slice, Suzette Holmes design, Lynn’s landscaping, Becky Rodgers, The Pointe, Currituck Club, Holly Ridge, Tortuga’s, Chip’s wine & Beer, KDH Grill, Biff Jennings of Shooters, Hilton Garden, Jolly Rodger, The Good Life, Parrot Bay, The Christmas Shoppe, Sally Huss, Hairoics, Planet Pleasing Goods, Ashtanga Yoga, Balence Massage, Sara Letchford Massage, Jimmy’s Buffet, Fuji, The Vistor’s Guide, Kevin Joyce, 1587, Pok & Tina, Native Vine  –